When Pilate had an encounter with the truth 2,000 years ago, he did not recognize it. Without expecting an answer he asked, “What is truth?”
We must not be afraid of speaking the truth. Freedom and truth both come at a price. The truth is precious and challenging. Once you embrace it, once it begins to permeate you, your entire life will change. The truth is powerful, alive, and eternal. It is light and clarity. It is unique and unrivaled.
Katharine Siegling Ministries

I believe in a new generation that is no longer afraid of speaking and living the truth.
They are pioneers. They are trailblazers who carry in their hearts a yearning for freedom, integrity, and truth. They are pioneers of a new time who dare to boldly break into new paths and stand up for their convictions with ardor and persistency.
They are a generation of people who keep their faith in the realization of their dreams and visions alive.
They are the generation of people who embrace truth and sincerity and build their success on these virtues.
It’s time to “break up unplowed ground”.
© Katharine Siegling